D&D Beyond Responds to Rumors of $30 Subscription, Death of Homebrew, and More

Wizards of the Coast has not been getting a lot of good publicity lately. They’ve pissed off Magic: The Gathering players with the 30th anniversary showing, and now there’s the whole Dungeons & Dragons pile of crap they’ve made. Well, one of those D&D messes is related to the online toolset for the game, D&D Beyond. There have been some rumors going around that the platform will soon be reworking itself into two tiers. The free tier will be extremely limiting, and the reworked system would remove the option for homebrew items even in private games. The rumors also included implementation of AI Dungeon Masters and more.

Combine this with the OGL 1.1 fiasco and things look awful. After all, tons of D&D Beyond subscribers have canceled their memberships and even caused the site to crash from the mass exodus. This in turn was most likely the cause for any comment by WotC on the OGL 1.1 mess since it directly hit their pockets. So, they need to keep what they can, right? These rumors were not helping. D&D Beyond has actually responded to the rumors on social media, stating they are false and even directing people to their Discord server to find a DM.

The thread also addresses another rumor that no one at D&D looks at the feedback provided in playtest surveys. This is in conjunction with designers at D&D that have said the feedback is looked at and utilized. You can read the response from designer Makenzie De Armas below which details how the feedback is typically examined.

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