Dan Aykroyd Isn't Giving Up on GHOSTBUSTERS 3 and Says It's Being Written Now

Before Paul Feig came along and made that disappointing Ghostbusters reboot that should’ve been so much better, especially with that cast, Ivan Rietman, Dan Aykroyd, and a few others were developing a third Ghostbusters film that would have brought the original team back together.

It would have been pretty awesome to see Aykroyd, Bill Murray and Ernie Hudson comes back for one more film. Harold Ramis passed away when this project was being worked on.

I thought that this project was dead. Sony Pictures is currently developing an animated Ghostbusters movie, but at this point, I didn’t think we’d ever see the original surviving members reprise their roles in another sequel. But, according to Aykroyd, the project is alive and well and he is still hoping to push the movie into production and get the gang back together!

While appearing on an episode of AXS TV’s The Big Interview with Dan Rather. Aykroyd said:

“There is a possibility of a reunion with the three remaining Ghostbusters… It’s being written right now.”

Aykroyd also touched on the possibility of Bill Murray returning:

“I think Billy will come. The story’s so good. Even if he plays a ghost.”

Bill Murray has been against this movie for years, but if the story actually turns out to be as good as Aykroyd says it is, maybe he’ll come on board if it gets to that point. Honestly, though, I’m not holding my breath.

Bloody Disgusting seems to think that this version of Ghostbusters 3 that Aykroyd is talking about will involve a previously revealed story in which “Dana (Sigourney Weaver) and Peter Venkman’s (Murray) lovechild (to clarify, it’s Dana’s son), Oscar, a postgrad student who is forced to take over the business after Venkman dies in the first scene.”

Venkman was supposed to be a ghost through the majority of the film. This is the concept for the Ghostbusters 3 movie that was greenlit before Harold Ramis passed away. When previously talking about working on the film, Aykroyd said:

“Oh I’ve written… well, we have…I’ve written, well, there’s three drafts of the old concept that exists. And we’re going to be able to salvage some of it and use it. Yeah, we’re gonna be able to use it some day. Let’s get this one made and that will reinvigorate the franchise and then we’ll go on to maybe doing a more conventional third sequel as we were planning and another idea I have for it.”

Would you like to see the original team return for one more film and give the franchise one more chance for a proper revival?

Dan Aykroyd was the special guest on last night's episode of AXS TV's The Big Interview with Dan Rather. Obviously, Ghostbusters was a topic of discussion, with some possible Ghostbusters 3 news once again bubbling to the surface. http://ghostbustersnews.com

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