Daniel Radcliffe Talks About His Favorite Prank on the Set of HARRY POTTER - A Fart Machine Joke Caught on Camera

The Harry Potter books tell an epic magical story that involve love, loss, the battle of a lifetime, death, despair, and hope. They were a huge undertaking to make into feature films, but it was done beautifully, and to keep the feeling light and enjoyable on set, there were many pranks pulled behind the scenes.

Back in 2014, during a Reddit AMA, star of the films, Daniel Radcliffe, recalled his favorite practical joke on set, which was actually pulled at his expense! He explained that the scene was from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and it took place in the Great Hall, where the students were sleeping in their sleeping bags.

He elaborated:

“The camera starts very, very wide, and comes in so that it’s an inch from my face, a very long developing set. Alan Rickman decided he would plant one of those fart machines in my … sleeping bag, and they waited until like — the camera had come in for this huge DRAMATIC developing shot, and then unleashed this tremendous noise in the Great Hall.”

He went on to say that he thought one of the other kids was behind the fart machine joke, but it turned out to be Alan Rickman (Severus Snape), with help from Michael Gambon (Albus Dumbledore), and director Alfonso Cuarón.

According to a behind the scenes interview with Cuarón, Radcliffe requested that his sleeping bag be placed “next to particular girl he fancied” when they were filming that scene. Of course, he was unaware of what Cuarón, Gambon, and Rickman had planned. As Radcliffe said on Reddit: “I think I laughed a lot [and] was probably a bit embarrassed, but it was really, really funny.”

Luckily the whole thing was caught on camera, so you can check it out below. It’s awesome to see the smile creep onto Alan Rickman’s face, and Daniel Radcliffe try to hold it back. These movies are so beloved, and the outtakes are just as great!

via: CheatSheet

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