DARK CITY Director Alex Proyas Helming a New Gothic Horror Film SISTER DARKNESS

Alex Proyas, the director of films such as The Crow, Dark City, I, Robot, Knowing, and Gods of Egypt, has found his next film project, and it looks like he’s going back to his filmmaking roots! The movie is a gothic horror revenge film titled Sister Darkness.

The movie is described as a “macabre female-driven fever dream of revenge and gothic terror with deep franchise potential, along the same vein as Proyas’ cult hit The Crow, the whip-smart and stylish Sister Darkness is set in 1930s UK at a time when women were marginalised and exploited. It follows the newly wed but unhappy Alice who stumbles across her doppelganger Isla, whose existence is a mystery seeped in a tale of bloody retribution against her oppressors, the hellish supernatural nightscape, and a dread uprising against the deceitful aristocracy. Proyas’ primary vision is inspired by UK horror movies of the 60s and 70s with deep reverence to legendary films such as The Innocents and The Legend of Hell House.”

This sounds like it’ll be an awesome project for Proyas, who tends to make strange, unusual, and unique films. I’ve enjoyed the movies that he’s made over the course of his career and that he isn’t afraid to take big swings and go weird. Sister Darkness is the kind of project that will allow him to do all kinds of fun and crazy imaginative things!

This is Proyas’ first film since the 2016 movie Gods of Egypt, and it’s based on an original script that he wrote. The film will be shot in Australia in late-2022 into mid-2023, “using a unique, fully virtual production process specially developed and refined by his VFX studio Heretic Foundation, which has been developing revolutionary approaches to filmmaking in this space since 2020.”

As Proyas said in a statement: “We are excited to be embarking with 108 Media on what we genuinely believe will be the first step of a long and fruitful journey together. Sister Darkness will be a milestone in the use of virtual production at this scale and Heretic’s talented team will allow us to establish production values at much higher levels in this budget range than ever before thought achievable. This is the future of filmmaking.”

108 Media’s CEO Abhi Rastogi added: “Working with Alex and what he has built with Heretic aligns with 108’s goal to be able to service bold creative vision from concept to final mile distribution as our content financing divisions has scaled up tremendously this year with new partners and continuing strategic expansions.”

I’m looking forward to seeing how this turns out! It’s great to see that Proyas is directing another movie after all these years.

Source: Advanced Television

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