David Yost Shares Episode 2 Script for His Personal POWER RANGERS Project QUANTUM CONTINUUM

David Yost (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) has struck again. At the end of February, Yost released the script for the second episode of his Power Rangers project titled Quantum Continuum. This is a personal project of his and is not at this time being turned into a series or film. It should not be considered canon and is definitely more adult than most Power Rangers projects. The first episode was pretty fun to read, so it’s exciting to see where this story is going. There are eight episodes written by Yost and so we can expect up to 6 more of these scripts to be released.

You can download the first two scripts for Quantum Continuum now from WeTransfer if you want to read them. What do you think of the story Yost has created? Give it a read and get excited to watch Yost alongside many other previous Power Rangers in the special Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always which will be streaming on Netflix starting April 19.

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