DEAD SNOW Director Tommy Wirkola Set To Helm an Animated Film Titled SPERMAGEDDON
Tommy Wirkola, the Norwegian filmmaker, who brought us Dead Snow and Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters, is now set to direct his first animated movie and it’s titled Spermageddon. Yes, you read that right. The film is described as “a humor-laced musical feature about the beginning of life.”
Spermageddon follows two narrative threads, “the emerging love story between two awkward teens, Jens and Lisa, who are having sex for the first time; and the eventful quest of Simon the Semen and his friends to reach the golden goal, the Egg.”
The project is said to be in the same vein as Sausage Party, as it explores “mature content through comedy, creative animation and grown-up language.” Wirkola said in a statement:
“This is both a road movie and an epic adventure, a most incredible journey, much like Lord of the Rings. But instead of Orcs and elves, our heroes have to do battle with sperm-killing creams and e.Coli trolls.”
I guess that’s one way to describe it! He went on to say:
“It’s fantastic to finally be able to tell this glorious story of magnificent scope, all set in the world of the minuscule. The original origin-story you might say. I can’t wait to get started on this one.”
Producer Yohann Comte, added that this is “an irreverent and original project about a universal, hot theme. We have a love for everything unexpected and this script is hilarious, bold, sometimes shockingly true and yet touching.”
Spermageddon is currently in development with production set to kick off by the end of the year. The animation is handled by the Norwegian animation studio Qvisten. The film will be co-directed by Rasmus Sivertsen.