DEADPOOL 2 Writers Like the Idea of a Hugh Jackman Cameo and They Discuss the Release Date

I know fans are hoping and pray for Wolverine to make a cameo in Deadpool 2, but when Hugh Jackman said he wouldn't be playing Wolverine again... I believe him. But! I've always thought that it would be just as cool and fun to see Hugh Jackman make a cameo as Hugh Jackman! That seems like a total possibility, and when the idea was brought up with writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, they loved it!. When it was brought up in an interview with THR, Reese said:

“Oh my gosh, that’s one we haven’t heard. That’s not a bad idea. I like that. Deadpool lives in a world where Hugh Jackman is out there. He’s got the People’s Sexiest Man Alive cover that he staples to his forehead in the first movie, so maybe he could meet Hugh as Hugh. That would be really funny.”

I'm actually kind of shocked they never thought about that! Or, maybe they did think about it and they are just acting surprised. I have no idea, but I think it's something that they need to do! They also talked about a release date and how it benefits them not to have one as they are developing the sequel:

“We’re very close to a draft that we’ll go off and shoot in a couple of months and we couldn’t be more thrilled. We don’t want to put the cart before the horse, and often times with release dates that happens. You end up racing and you end up being forced to do something you’re not happy with and the great thing about Deadpool is we spent a career trying to duck other movies. ‘How do we get off the release date of this or that?’ I think in most cases, people are going to have to duck us. Fox is probably going to be able to drop that thing on a date and everyone else is going to scatter, because no one will want to come out the same weekend … our feeling is it’s all about the movie. The fact that Deadpool came out in February and did as well as it did, and you are seeing similarly the summer [movie season] start earlier in March, and movies succeed in October and so the date to us doesn’t mean as much as it used to. I think the studio feels the same way. We just want to make the best movie possible and Deadpool will find an audience, we feel at this point.”

There's a ton of excitement for Deadpool 2, and we're all hoping that the creative team behind the sequel is going to give us a film that's even better than the first one. Right now we're just all eagerly waiting for the Cable casting announcement.

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