DEADPOOL Spoofs Post-Credits Scenes in Japanese Trailer For X-MEN: APOCALYPSE

If you stuck around after the credits of Deadpool, you'll remember the film ended with a Ferris Bueller-esque scene in which Ryan Reynolds' character teased Cable showing up in the sequel. But now the character is back in another post-credits scene, this time in a Japanese trailer for X-Men: ApocalypseEntertainment Weekly pointed us to the trailer, which features Deadpool taking part in the long-time game of pointing out things we may have missed in the trailer.

It's unclear to me why this video is just surfacing now, since Deadpool clearly states that his movie comes out (as in, will come out in the future) in Japan on June 1st. So the video is at least a month old. But hey, Deadpool's gonna Deadpool, and even though I'm one of the few people who didn't like the movie, I was a fan of the movie's marketing campaign, so seeing it continue months after the movie hit theaters is fine with me (and obviously huge Deadpool fans will get a kick out of it).

X-MENトリロジーここに完結! 太古より「神」として君臨する最古のミュータント、アポカリプスが、数千年の眠りから目を覚ます。X-MEN VS 最古最強の「神」。シリーズの集大成にふさわしい激戦の火ぶたが、いま切って落とされる! 監督:ブライアン・シンガー 出演:ジェームズ・マカヴォイ、マイケル・ファスベンダー、ジェニファー・ローレンス、オスカー・アイザック 8月11日(木)全国ロードショー

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