Deadpool's Ed Skrein Cast in ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL

Deadpool villain Ed Skrein is the most recent actor to join the cast of James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez’s feature film adaption of Alita: Battle Angel. Skrein is set to play another bad guy in this story, and he will join Maze Runner actress Rosa Salazar, Christoph Waltz, and Jackie Earl Haley.

Set in the 26th century, Alita tells of a female cyborg (Salazar) that is discovered in a scrapyard by a scientist. With no memory of her previous life except her deadly martial-arts training, the woman becomes a bounty hunter, tracking down criminals.

According to THR, Skrein will play a character named Zapan, "a villainous cyborg who is in possession of a weapon called the Damascus blade."

Rodriguez will start production on the film in October in Austin. I've been looking forward to this film ever since Cameron started talking about making it years ago. I'm happy that it's finally happening, I just wish it were actually under the direction of Cameron. Hopefully, Rodriguez will give us a great badass movie! 

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