Depression Turns People Into Zombie-Like Automatons in Trailer for WINTERTIDE

I’ve got a trailer here for you to watch for a fascinating new thriller titled Wintertide. The movie is set in a small isolated town where depression turns people into zombie-like automatons, but that’s not the most interesting thing about the movie!

The story follows Beth, “a volunteer watch person of an isolated northern city battles a plague of depression that transforms the few remaining residents into empty, zombie-like automatons.” Here’s where things take an interesting turn, Beth “discovers that by entering an alternative dimension through her own dreams, she’s able to stave off the illness during the long, possibly endless winter. But will her power be enough to sustain her?”

This looks like a good movie and I’m actually really curious about seeing how that story will play out. The movie was directed by John Barnard, and it stars Niamh Carolan, Solange Sookram, Jeremy Walmsley, Jesse Nobess, Colleen Furlan, Darcy Fehr, John B. Lowe, Onalee Ames, and Michael O'Sullivan.

The movie is set to be released on November 14th.

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