Detailed Look at Scarlet Witch's AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON Costume
Scarlet Witch (played by Elizabeth Olsen) is about to be in her third Marvel Cinematic Universe film and her fourth costume. When we originally meet her she is in a black dress with a red sweater. At the end of the movie, Avengers: Age of Ultron, we catch a real quick look of her in a more superhero-esque costume as seen above.
The next time we see her, she’s back to wearing clothes closer to what everyday people would wear in Captain America: Civil War (aka Avengers 2.5):
So what happened to the superhero duds? According to an interview with Vulture back in 2016, costume designer Judianna Makovsky said:
“In the beginning we did have sketches generated from Marvel where Wanda looked more superhero, and the brothers kept saying, ‘But she’s not a superhero yet. She’s still finding herself, she’s a young girl.’ So they asked me to take those sketches and redo it, to make it a real coat, make it wearable. We wanted to make them look like real garments.”
Well, ok. I guess you don’t need superhero duds to be awesome, but it helps. Not to mention the new costume looked cool. Well, it looks like Scarlet Witch is finally a hero in the eyes of the Russo brothers since we now know she'll have a cool looking costume for Avengers: Infinity War. However, it doesn't look like she'll be wearing that Age of Ultron costume again.
Scarlet Witch has come a long way since we first met her locked up in Age of Ultron and she’s been a great character with lots of potential. I’m excited to see her fight Thanos and his forces in Infinity War. Avengers: Infinity War will release April 27, 2018.
Photo Credit: Jay Maidment
Source: CBM