Details on New Buffy/Angel Crossover Comic BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: HELLMOUTH
BOOM! Studios is bringing us our very first crossover comic book series between Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, the contemporary comics based on the original Joss Whedon characters. The five part comic book event will be called Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Hellmouth. Io9 gives the following information on the comic limited series:
Hellmouth will see Buffy and the Scooby Gang face the event they’ve been dreading ever since Buffy started on the path to her destiny as the Slayer: the Hellmouth is open, and everything they know and love faces extinction at its maw. Slight problem though: in order to save the day, they’ve got to get through Angel himself, who’s recently shown up in Sunnydale seeking his own redemption for a lifetime (or more like, five lifetimes, in his case) of vampiric bloodsucking. What better way to redeem yourself than closing a Hellmouth, even if a pesky Slayer and her friends stand in your way?
Sounds like fun for Buffy and Angel fans! The report also shared some cool variant covers for the first issue that you can check out above and below.
Let us know if you’re interested in this comic, and check it out when it hits shelves on October 9th.