Did Ron Howard Tease That The HAN SOLO Movie will Include The Famous Kessel Run?

Since taking the reigns on the Untitled Han Solo movie, Ron Howard has been giving us plenty of behind the scenes looks without revealing any major story points. But Howard's most recent tweet might just be teasing that the film might include the smuggler's famous 12-parsec Kessel Run.

In the photo he tweeted, you can clearly tell its some sort of underground facility, or mine. Along with the caption "spicey" it instantly cues memories of the spice mines of Kessel from the Star Wars films.

In Star Wars: A New Hope, Han Solo brags to Obi-Wan Kenobi about how his ship made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs. And since the spinoff film takes place before the events of the original film, it is very possible that we'll see the famous journey unfold over the course of the film.

Until the movie comes out the best we can do is make presumptions about these breadcrumbs that Howard has been dropping since the day he took over. 

The Han Solo spinoff film will hit theaters on May 25, 2018.

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