Did You See That? RWBY Volume 7 Episode 11

HOLY COW! This episode of RWBY was pure chaos and it was amazing. If you have not watched the episode, bookmark this article and come back after you’ve seen it. Spoilers abound ahead.

The episode starts with the fight between Ironwood and Watts and it’s so cool. Watts is counting what I believe are Ironwood’s shots and it’s a bunch of cat and mouse chasing with guns. However, Ironwood out thinks Watts for a moment and sneaks up on him. This is when the fight definitely shifts in his favor. The only problem is that eventually Watts traps Ironwood’s arm in some barrier thing with some of his (Watts’) rings. Have I said, by the way, that I love Chris Sabat as Watts? Anyways, Ironwood’s arm is trapped but then he sacrifices his arm to beat Watts. He then holds Watts over lava and we’re left to assume that Watts is incinerated. This fight is really fun to watch in part because of the action and the weird way gravity works, but then the tension and drama behind the fight just take it to the next level.

We then see Robyn, Qrow, and Clover fighting Tyrion and it’s cool, but a lot less grandiose than I was expecting. The fight also reaffirms my love for Qrow’s weapon. It’s a scythe, a sword, a gun, a curved sword. It’s amazing. In the end they get Tyrion though after he catches an exploding crossbow bolt with his teeth.

Team RWBY starts wondering what’s going on with Ironwood as he’s called them all back to his office even though Mantle is still evacuating. When they get back, crap hits the fan. It snowballs so bad. Ironwood finds a black queen from Chess that is apparently Salem’s calling card and it freaks him out. All that trust that we’ve been working on this season is absolutely shattered with this episode. It’s not just the calling card, but then there’s a Grimm that serves as a holoprojector for Salem comes out of Watts’ bag and ta-da, Salem. She tells Ironwood that she’s on her way to Atlas to destroy them. This, somewhat understandably, pushes Ironwood over and he does exactly the wrong thing. It doesn’t help that it comes out that Blake and Yang told Robyn about the Amnity Tower project either. Ironwood kills all of their scrolls. Thankfully, Ruby gets a message out to JNR and Qrow and Robyn about Ironwood declaring Martial Law. Oh yeah, that’s a thing by the way. The next episode is set ot be RWBY versus Ace Ops (minus Clover who’s on the plane with Qrow and Robyn as they transport Tyrion back). In addition, Ironwood has sent Winter to claim the powers of the Winter Maiden, so I guess she’s going to be a murderer now?

Of course, the final puzzle piece is Cinder and Neo. The black queen was made of glass by Cinder and Ruby recognizes it. So, the good guys now know that Cinder’s alive. We still don’t know everything that the two villains are planning though. At the end we see Team JNR standing outside the room Oscar was supposed to be with some Atlesian Paladins destroyed. It is possible that Neo went ot grab Oscar and the lamp while Cinder went after Winter to secure the powers of the Winter Maiden. This is probably the most likely of the theories.

Some thoughts I’ve had are that the Paladins tried taking Oscar when Ironwood started going a little crazy and Oscar defended himself. I also think that we’re going to see a very interesting fight between Cinder, Winter, and Penny with Penny hopefully being more on the side of Team RWBY than on Ironwood’s. I also think that Weiss is going to end up with the Winter Maiden powers. What are your theories and thoughts about this episode? It was completely bonkers!

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