Director Alan Taylor on His "Wrenching" Experience Marking THOR: THE DARK WORLD
It’s no secret that Alan Taylor wasn’t happy with how his Thor: The Dark World film turned out. I might be one of the few that actually liked the movie, but working with Marvel isn’t one of the highlights of his career. In an interview with Uproxx, he talks about his wrenching experience watching Marvel transform his movie into something totally different than what he wanted in the post-production process.
When asked to compare his experience working on Terminator Genisys with Thor: The Dark World he said:
“They were very different. I’ve done two and I’ve learned that you don’t make a $170 million movie with someone else’s money and not have to collaborate a lot. The Marvel experience was particularly wrenching because I was sort of given absolute freedom while we were shooting, and then in post it turned into a different movie. So, that is something I hope never to repeat and don’t wish upon anybody else."
Turns out Paramount Pictures was a lot more collaborative on Terminator, and when talking about that movie's development, he said:
"This was not like that. The story we started telling is essentially the story we finished and are bringing out into the world. But there was a lot of collaboration, as there is going to be on something this big."
I understand Marvel has to keep things in line with everything that they are trying to do with the MCU as a whole, but I am curious to know what exactly Taylor’s vision would have been like.