Director David Fincher will Reportedly Start Shooting WORLD WAR Z 2 in March

Update: Paramount Pictures has contacted us and said that they have not yet confirmed date for the start of production yet.

I still can’t believe that David Fincher is directing World War Z 2. He’s one of my favorite directors and I’ve enjoyed all of the films that he is made in his career. Yeah, he had a rough start with Alien 3, but since then his films have been incredible. I love his storytelling and filmmaking style, but never in a million years did I think I’d see him make a zombie movie, let alone a sequel to a zombie movie! But, that’s what he’s doing and I’m pretty excited about it.

Fincher is a picky filmmaker, so he must have seen something really special in this story to take it on. Or, he just wanted to do it as a favor to his friend and frequent collaborate Brad Pitt, who is returning to reprise his role. Either way, Fincher isn’t the kind of guy that half-asses his way through the movies he makes. The guy is a perfectionist and he’s going to use all of his talents to give us the best movie possible.

It was previously reported that World War Z 2 would start shooting in June, but apparently things are progressing a little faster and now, according to Production Weekly, the film will start shooting in March under the working title of "Maximillian". It was also reported that the movie would the shoot in Thailand, Spain, and Atlanta, Georgia.

We don’t know much about the story that the sequel will tell, but a previous report has said that "Fincher was looking to make the film about a man and his family navigating a zombie apocalypse."

I can’t wait to see what Fincher delivers with this film. What are your thoughts on it?

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