Director Michael Dougherty Offers and Update on His Long-Awaited TRICK 'R TREAT Sequel

It’s been years since Legendary Pictures announced that director Michael Dougherty would get to make a sequel to his classic Halloween-themed horror film Trick 'r Treat. This is one of my favorite Halloween movies and I’ve been eagerly waiting for this sequel. Unfortunately, it looks like we are going to have to wait a little longer.

Dougherty recently offered an update on the film in an interview with CBM, and he explains that as of right now, it’s all up to Legendary if the movie happens:

"Oh man, it's that time of year! I feel like that's become the new Halloween tradition: ask Mike about Trick 'r Treat 2! Listen, I'm intrigued by the idea and it's completely up to Legendary. It's been a few years since we initially talked about it and there's been a regime change since then. They still have the property and they love it and there's still a long line of merchandise and a continuing line of comic books based on the film but the ball is in their court. The moment they say they're interested and ready to go, we'll see if the stars align."

So, it seems like one of the biggest reasons for the delay of Trick ‘r Treat 2 is due to the regime change at Legendary. Well hopefully, someone over there finally decides to pull the trigger on this sequel because there’s a lot of fans who want to see it happen! But, the director went on to say that maybe they should just leave it alone:

"At the same time, I think there's something to be said about not sequelizing it. In a business that is obsessed with franchising and spinoffs and prequels and sequels, maybe there's something to be said about just leaving it alone."

I totally see and understand what he’s saying there, but I would also love to see more Halloween stories told in this wonderful world that he’s created. What do you all think?

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