Director Rian Johnson "Created New Rules For The STAR WARS Universe" With THE LAST JEDI

One of the things I was hoping to see from Rian Johnson when he came on to write and direct Star Wars: The Last Jedi, was his unique way of telling a story and brilliant character development.

We've heard great things about the script that he wrote and it sounds like Lucasfilm really gave him the creative freedom to tell this chapter of the story that he wanted to tell. At the same time he also went on to create some new rules for the Star Wars universe, which is actually pretty surprising to hear.

The information came from Adam Driver during an interview with The Huffington Post. He also praised what the director has done, saying: 

“[W]hat Rian had written was remarkable. He created new rules for the “Star Wars” universe and balanced the familiar and unfamiliar very adeptly while respecting that his audience can handle ambiguity. Which you can see in his previous films. Characters and story are his priority.”

That's great to hear and I wonder what these new rules are and how they will affect everything moving forward. Regardless of that, it sounds like Johnson is crafting a film that fans are going to flip over. This isn't the first time Driver complimented Rian on his work. He previously said:

"Rian is coming into something that we kind of set up and he just took it to the next level in a really great way. He wrote it, too, and Rian’s writing is so clear. I learned a lot of things about my character through his writing... And he’s the most polite, unassuming guy and he was appropriately territorial about some things but would still be the first to admit when something’s not working."

Driver went on to compare the script for Episode VIII to The Empire Strikes Back, saying:

"[The script for Episode VIII is] great. It’s similar to how The Empire Strikes Back has a different tone. For that people always go “oooh, it’s dark,” but I don’t know that it necessarily is. It’s just different in tone in a way that I think is great and necessary but also very clear. He trusts [that] his audience is ready for nuance and ambiguity. He’s not dumbing anything down for someone and that’s really fun to play."

I'm just so happy to hear that Johnson's unique way of writing and directing will shine in this next Star Wars movie and that this movie is going to bring fans something different. I can't wait to see Star Wars: The Last Jedi! It comes out on December 15th.

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