Disney CEO Bob Iger Says They Are "Just Getting Started" with STAR WARS

Disney and Lucasfilm jumped out of the gate with Star Wars with big, ambitious plans. They were originally looking to match what Marvel was doing and work out to releasing at least two Star Wars films a year. As you know, that’s all changed.

Lucasfilm and Disney are now thinking that less is more for the franchise. They’ve seemed to scale back on the films and are currently developing several live-action shows for Disney+. The studios recently put things on pause for the films to figure out exactly how they want to proceed now that The Rise of Skywalker has been released. The next film isn’t even supposed to hit theaters until 2022.

With that in mind, Disney CEO Bob Iger recently said on The Star Wars Show that Disney is “just getting started” with Star Wars:

“It’s been an incredibly fulfilling and a very exciting journey, but actually, I think, in many respects, we’re just getting started. We’ve accomplished a lot — obviously with the saga films, the Skywalker Saga — and the opening of Galaxy’s Edge here in California and in Florida, and of course, a few other films along the way and TV series. But it feels like we’re just starting to mine the full potential of what Star Wars is and what Star Wars can be.

“And I think it took some time as Lucasfilm became part of Disney and we started thinking long term — not just about fulfilling the interest of the fans short-term, but long-term what could happen — and I get a sense that the future is far more vast than we expected it to be, and so there’s just a lot that lies ahead.”

It’ll be interesting to see what is being planned for that future! With the Skywalker saga behind us, Lucasfilm and their creative team can now focus on developing new stories that are set in different corners of the galaxy that will be filled with new characters. There is so much to do and play with in the vast Star Wars universe! It’s hard to even begin to speculate what it could be, but there has been talk of possibly diving into The Knights of Old Republic, which would be so badass!

Whatever they end up doing next, I hope that it’s something that the fans will love and enjoy. As a longtime fan, it’s hard to see the fans turn on each other and turn on the franchise like we’ve seen explode the past couple of years. At least we have The Mandalorian to make most fans happy.

What do you think about Iger’s comments about just getting started with Star Wars and how the future is far more vast than they expected it to be? Are you excited about the future of the franchise?

Bob Iger the CEO of the Walt Disney Company sits for a lengthy chat about the Child, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, and much more.

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