Disney Developing a Charles Darwin Adventure Film

Disney Studios has acquired an interesting untitled film pitch from Oscar-winning Traffic scribe Stephen Gaghan, who will write to direct it. 

The film will apparently feature Charles Darwin in an action adventure story. Darwin was the British naturalist and geologist who made breakthroughs in the areas of evolution and natural selection.

It would be interesting to see Darwin in an Indiana Jones-type role traveling the world finding evidence of things to support his work. The report points out that in his formative years he took “a daring five-year voyage in 1831 on the ship HMS Beagle, to chart the coastline of South America. He made many discoveries along the way which harnessed the later theories that would make him one of the most influential figures in human history.”

If they follow this kind of outline, this film that Disney plans on making could turn out really cool. 

Source: Deadline

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