Disney Files Patent for Humanoid Robots ala WESTWORLD

Disney amusement parks have filed a patent for soft contact humanoid robots. The intention is for “a robot that will move and physically interact like an animated character”. The robots will have soft skin and will be filled with air and gas. The robot is operated by remote control as to not endanger anyone interacting with the robot. It seems the first prototype for this robot is a toy-sized version of Baymax from Big Hero 6. 

The document says Disney is developing robots, including "humanoid robots," that have been "adapted for soft contact and/or interaction with a human."
"To physically interact with children," the filing says, "the inventors understood that the robot should be soft and durable."

This is obviously the very early steps of Disney creating this kind of technology but it seems like the logical next step after all of their animatronics which always creeped the hell out of me.

If The Simpsons, Westworld, The Terminator, and The Matrix have taught me anything it's that this can only end badly. Who knew Disney would be the end of humanity? 

Via: CNN

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