Disney Seems To Be Looking at Continuing The ALIEN and PLANET OF THE APES Franchises
During the big Disney CinemaCon presentation last week, there was a good amount of talk about the epic merger with 20th Century Fox.
While talking about the big franchises that Disney now has to work with, they specifically mentioned and showed movie art on the presentation screen for the Alien, Planet of the Apes, and Avatar franchises.
Fox’s vice chair Emma Watts said that there’s a plan in place to deliver new chapters in a set of franchises. There were no other details given, but they are certainly looking to grow Fox’s existing franchises.
If they do plan on moving forward with the Alien franchise and making more movies, I really hope that someone at Disney will call up director Neill Blomkamp and hire him to make his sequel to Aliens! That’s the only Alien movie that I want to see get made right now.
Aliens director James Cameron did previously say that he was working on relaunching the Alien franchise with Blomkamp, but who knows!? Maybe things are farther along in the background with some of these franchises than we think. We’ll find out soon enough!
The plan for the film was to be a direct sequel to Aliens and it would see the return of Sigourney Weaver as Ripley, Michael Biehn as Cpl. Dwayne Hicks, and even Newt.
As for Planet of the Apes, that’s a consistently solid film franchise and if they are looking to keep telling stories in that world, I’ll keep showing up to watch as long as the stories they tell continue to impress.