Doctor Doom Wields The Infinity Gauntlet in Art From Marvel Movie Artist Charlie Wen

Marvel Studios concept artist Charlie Wen recently shared some new art he whipped up that imagines Doctor Doom wielding the Infinity Gauntlet. Wen explains in the Instagram post:

"Didn’t spend time redesigning him for the big screen. [Just] wanted to throw out a fun 'what if.'" 

It certainly is a fun “what if”, but at some point in the future, Marvel Studios will bring Doctor Doom into the MCU and fans can’t wait to see what that will look like!

As for Doom wielding the Infinity Stones, we all know that’s not going to happen. I seriously doubt that Marvel is going to use those again. They played out that storyline perfectly in the MCU and there’s no reason to rehash it.

It’s going to be interesting to see how Marvel’s next plan plays out over the course of the next ten years, because you all know they have it planned out!

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