DOCTOR STRANGE 2 Director Teases "Limitless Possibilities"
When it comes to the world of Doctor Strange, anything is possible! The hero has battled Dracula as well as many other supernatural elements in the comics, and it would appear those things are on the table for the sequel! ComingSoon spoke to director Scott Derrikson who confirms as much in the quote below...
“I wouldn’t necessarily rule anything out....That’s certainly where the comics went in the ’80s but I also think that was probably the weakest era of the comics. The alternate dimensions and possibilities of the multiverse that we set up with the first film already give limitless possibilities. What I will say is that the goal would not be to underutilize that, or to create something that was less innovative than the first ‘Doctor Strange.’ The comics, especially the Lee/Ditko comics, were always pushing into unexpectedly weird places and storylines. That has continued on into the current Doctor Strange comics, which are really great. So anything’s possible with Doctor Strange, I wouldn’t rule anything out.”
The question originally was specifically aimed at the Dracula statement, and judging by Derrickson's response, I think we can rule that out as a no-go, but it does provide some interesting commentary! One of my main gripes with the first Doctor Strange film is the entire film teased the limitless nature of universes and power...and yet a bulk of the CGI magic was used to recreate the building scenes from Inception.
Doctor Strange was weird and meant to be a little jarring, and I feel the first film only lightly touched on that subject. I want to see crazier stuff and storylines! I want it to feel as out there as it can be! I know you run the risk of turning audiences off, but I think avoiding that and playing it safe puts this franchise at a lower position than it deserves considering the talent Benedict Cumberbatch has lent to it. Am I completely alone in this? I want a trippy Doctor Strange!