Like the cookie butter chocolate bar, this is a case of why hasn’t anyone thought if this before?* In "Wholock: the Musical," the Doctor is looking for a new companion, and Sherlock is looking for a new assistant. They might just be a match made in Steven Moffat heaven. In this short video from youtubers AVbyte, the two heroes argue over who should have top billing in their team-up.

I would totally watch a 90-minute version of this, because it raises so many questions. Will Sherlock’s deductive powers translate to alien cultures? Will the Doctor pine for him like he did for Rose? How would Sherlock deal with Daleks? How long before the Doctor gets sick of him and dumps him somewhere in deep space? Would they have the greatest petty bickering of all time? Sweet hell, I would like to see a crossover episode.

*If you have thought of this before, congratuwelldone, but please don’t send me your Wholock slashfic.

Hat tip: GeekAreSexy. Check out more of AVbyte's pop culture musicals here.

In case you missed it, also be sure to check out this impressive fan-made Sherlock and Doctor Who crossover that uses actual footage from both series.

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