Dominic Monaghan Gives Some Details About STAR WARS: EPISODE IX

Is it December 20, 2019, yet? I really want to see what J.J. Abrams has in store for us in Star Wars: Episode IX. We know very few details about the film and none of them really tell us anything about the plot. However, we do know that Dominic Monaghan is going to be in it, and he just told us something. It’s not a big something, but it’s something.

[Director] J.J. [Abrams] is a friend of mine and he said to me that at some point I’d get the opportunity to read the script. [He told me], ‘Just be aware of the fact that there are massive sequences in Act Two, there are massive sequences in Act Three but because we’re shooting Act One first, I’ve put you in there and you seem to not be around as much in Act Two and Act Three but that’s because that’s what we’re doing first so I want you here, I want you invested. So read the script but just know there won’t be long until there’ll be a re-draft of those things and we’ll see you a little bit more’. So I read it, and the script is amazing and obviously there isn’t a lot I can say.

So, it looks like he’ll be heavily present during the first act but not during the other acts which means his role probably is not huge. However, he does mention that Abrams is trying to work him into the other acts more in rewrites. My theory is that Monaghan is going to be playing one of the Knights of Ren. If I’m correct, it’s possible that the first act will in some way deal with them. Maybe it’s full of flashbacks (or is a giant flashback itself) to Kylo’s journey to the dark side which would involve the Knights. It could also mean that the Knights show up, but then are disposed of or otherwise disbanded during the first third. That second one doesn’t seem as likely, but it’s possible. Of course, I could be completely wrong. What do you think Monaghan’s role will be in Episode IX?

Source: CB

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