Don't Listen to Film Critics, Go Form Your Own Opinions on Movies
A lot of people have been pointing out that film critic community has become pretty cynical these days. And you know what? They’re right! Don’t get me wrong, I see why film critics are important to the industry. I might have a different outlook on it than others, though.
As you all know, I love movies! I always try to find the good in the movies that I see, and if in the end, if the movie entertains me, I’m most likely going to give it a good review! I like being entertained and moved when I go to the movies! That’s why I go! I don’t go to looking for all of the faults in a film. I go to be entertained and inspired.
It’s rare when I don’t like a movie, and when that happens, I usually unleash the fury. When that happens, it’s because the movie was simply a big disappointment for me. It takes a lot for me not to like a movie.
The three main things I look for in a film are a good story, script, and character development. But everyone has their own standards that they follow and things that they look for in a movie, and not everyone’s tastes are the same.
There are two movies that I recently enjoyed that other critics hated: Mortal Engines and the upcoming film Glass. I saw something in those films that a lot of other critics didn’t see. Sometimes I wonder if we even saw the same movie!
The thing is, if I would have listened to what all of the other critics said about these movies and skipped them based on another persons negative opinion, I would have missed out on a movie that I would have genuinely enjoyed! That would suck!
Movie reviews are just the opinions of other people, and while they may set your expectations for the film, it’s your own opinion that really matters. My opinion doesn’t matter, and the other critics’ opinions don’t matter. Sure, it’s fun to read reviews and see what people think about the movies that are coming out, but you don’t have to listen to them!
Go to the movies and form your own opinion, and then we can all discuss it with each other, our families, and friends. It’s fun talking about the movies we see and sharing our thoughts on it with each other even if we all don’t agree!
I see movie reviews as a conversation starter for the movies we see, not as something to tell you to go see a movie or not. If you’re a movie fan go see the movies you want to see regardless of what the reviews say! Don’t let anyone talk you out of it!
If in the end you don’t like the movie, that’s fine it happens. But there’s always the chance that you might end up really enjoying a film that the critics didn’t like.