Doug Liman Directing a Sci-Fi Space Adventure Movie Called UNEARTHED
Doug Liman must be tired, because he's been making headlines for more than a week now. First it was announced that he was bringing Jumper back to life in a YouTube Red digital series, then he talked about turning the comic book movie genre on its head with Justice League Dark, and on Friday, we wrote about his claims of how his Edge of Tomorrow 2 will "revolutionize the way people make sequels." In addition to all of that, Deadline reports that Liman is now attached to direct yet another movie, and this one sounds like it could be a future favorite of those of you who love sci-fi adventure movies.
Liman will direct Unearthed, a film adaptation of an upcoming book written by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner. Here's the description:
[Unearthed] is a YA thriller described as Lara Croft meets Indiana Jones, set in deep space. Jules Addison and Amelia Radcliffe join forces in a tomb-raiding race on a newly discovered planet to unravel the secrets of an ancient, long-extinct civilization — only to uncover a revelation that could spell the end of the human race.
I love the idea of a Lara Croft type and an Indy type hanging out and raiding tombs in space, so this sounds like it could be a lot of fun (not to mention the fact that Liman is a great director who could bring a great visual eye to the movie). The book will be the first of a two book series, so it seems like there's sequel potential here if the first film performs well enough. What do you think? Looking forward to this one?