Dwayne Johnson is Unsure If He'll Return For FURIOUS 9; Apparently He's Still Not on Good Terms with Vin Diesel

As you all know by now, there was some behind the scenes drama on the Fast and Furious franchise. Dwayne Johnson seemed to butt heads with both Vin Diesel and Tyrese Gibson. They just have different personalities that have a different way of doing things.

Johnson is currently working on developing that Fast and Furious spin-off film with Jason Statham which will focus on Hobbes and Shaw, but in a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Johnson isn't sure if he'll be returning for Furious 9

This interview is actually pretty candid and he gets into some of the drama that went down. I'm sure you all remember what Johnson posted on Instagram, but if not, here's what he said:

"There’s no other franchise that gets my blood boiling more than this one. An incredible hard working crew. Universal Studios Entertainment has been great partners as well. My female co-stars are always amazing and I love ’em. My male co-stars however are a different story. Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don’t. The ones that don’t are too chicken shit to do anything about it anyway. Candy asses."

He didn't name names, but we all know Diesel was one of the actors he was talking about. When opening up how they attempted to get through their differences, Johnson said:

“Vin and I had a few discussions, including an important face-to-face in my trailer. And what I came to realize is that we have a fundamental difference in philosophies on how we approach moviemaking and collaborating. It took me some time, but I’m grateful for that clarity. Whether we work together again or not."

As for whether or not they work together, Johnson was asked if he would return for Furious 9 and this is was his reply:

"I’m not quite sure… Right now I’m concentrating on making the spinoff [Hobbs and Shaw, co-starring Jason Statham] as good as it can be… But I wish him all the best, and I harbor no ill will there, just because of the clarity we have… Actually, you can erase that last part about ‘no ill will.’ We’ll just keep it with the clarity."

Damn! That whole "erase the no ill will" part is harsh! That comment definitely seems to confirm that the two actors are not on good terms. I guess we shouldn't be surprised if Dwayne Johnson doesn't return for Furious 9

Hobbs and Shaw will hit theaters July 26, 2019, and Furious 9 isn’t coming until April 10, 2020. 

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