Dwayne Johnson Says He's Proud to Have "The Guts to Fail" After Pitching His Big DC Plan

It was recently reported that Dwayne Johnson had a multiyear plan that he pitched to Warner Bros. “for Black Adam and a Cavill-led Superman in which the two properties would interweave, setting up a Superman-versus-Black Adam showdown.”

Johnson had big ambitions, and he made a few enemies at the studio in the process because of how he went around everyone to try and get what he was working towards. Things didn’t end up working out the way he hoped, but in a recent social media post, he shared that he was proud to have had the guts to try and fail.

He didn’t specifically address the DC Studios reports, but it’s pretty obvious that’s what he was addressing. He said:

“A thought I wanted to share with you guys. There’s a good friend of mine named Inky Johnson, you guys should follow him. He’s always got great perspective, grounding perspective. He keeps it raw. He keeps it real. He said something that was really profound that I feel ties into this whole thing: … he talked about having the guts to fail. And the reason why I bring that back around to you guys is having the guts to fail compared to having the desire to be famous, having the desire to succeed.”

He went on to say:

“But I have found in life, that the desire to become famous, the desire to succeed will never be as powerful as having the guts to fail. And I love that, because I look back at my own life, and around every corner, and still today– Look, I’m a Tyrannosaurus Rex, I’m 58,000 years old, but I still have that. And that’s my lead foot. I’m just having the guts to fail, around every corner. And that leads my decisions. That allows me to take big swings. Get my ass kicked on some of them. Fail at some of them. But then, also succeed at some of them. So, I will always take guts over desire. Have a great week and let’s get after it. This is our year. 2023. Guts over desire.”

I have to say that I do like Johnson’s attitude. He’s a half-cup-full kinda guy. Johnson wouldn’t be as successful as he is without having the guts to take certain risks throughout the course of his career. He is where he’s at because he worked his ass off.

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