Early Buzz For STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI Says It's a Surprising, Funny, and Jaw-Dropping Film! Plus New Poster Art!

The world premiere of Star Wars: The Last Jedi took place on Saturday night and the early buzz is starting to flood Twitter from those lucky people who were in attendance! So far that buzz is extremely positive. The film left fans shaking with excitement and a lot of them are saying it's a surprising, funny, and jaw-dropping film!

I've also included a couple new posters for the film. One of them features Kylo Ren, the other features Ray. I really dig these poster designs! They were created by artist Matt Ferguson.

You can read the reviews below. Don't worry, there are no spoilers. Just lots of reactions that will make you wish you were there watching the movie with them at the premiere. I'll be seeing the film for myself early next week! I can't wait!

Here are the individual posters:

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