Early Test Footage For a 2003 Adaptation of WATCHMEN with Ray Stevenson as Rorschach

Before Zack Snyder directed the 2009 adaptation of the classic graphic novel Watchmen for Warner Bros., Universal Pictures was developing the film in 2001 with writer and director David Hayter (X2, Watchmen).

In 2003, Hayter shot some test footage showing off his vision of the film. He has released that test footage online for all of us to see. He ended up casting Punisher: War Zone star Ray Stevenson in the role of Rorschach and Iain Glen, the former Game of Thrones star to play Daniel Dreiberg a.k.a. Nite Owl. It also includes a score composed by Joe Kraemer.

The scene you’re about to watch comes straight out of the source material when Rorshach lets himself into Dreiberg’s apartment. Dreiberg comes home to find Rorshach eating beans and Rorshach informs him that someone murdered the Comedian.

Hayter and Universal ended up parting ways on the project due to creative differences. He was eventually replaced by Darren Aronofsky, but he ended up dropping out to focus on The Fountain. After that, Paul Greengrass was hired to direct, but that didn’t work out either. The property eventually ended up at Warner Bros. where Zack Snyder took it on and delivered a pretty great adaptation! Hayter ended up writing the script for that film.

Check out the test footage from Hayter below and let us know what you think!

Rescued from VHS, here is writer-director David Hayter's test footage, filmed in London in 2003, for his version of WATCHMEN. Starring Ray Stevenson as Rorschach and Iain Glen as Dan Dreiberg. Cinematography by Tony Pierce Roberts. Music by Joe Kraemer. FOR PROMOTIONAL USE ONLY.

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