Eberron is Becoming Official in EBERRON: RISING FROM THE LAST WAR This November
Fans of Dungeons & Dragons love the world of Eberron. It takes elements of fantasy, pulp, noir, and steampunk and mashes them all together. The Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron has already been released and sated many players. However, that was a prototype and wasn’t allowed in official organized play. However, in November, fans will get to change that. Dungeons & Dragons is releasing Eberron: Rising from the Last War and it has a lot to offer.
“This book provides everything players and Dungeon Masters need to play Dungeons & Dragons in Eberron—a war-torn world filled with magic-fueled technology, airships and lightning trains, where noir-inspired mystery meets swashbuckling adventure. Will Eberron enter a prosperous new age or will the shadow of war descend once again?”
Eberron will have 320 pages filled with details about Khorvaire, a war-torn continent as well as new features including the official introduction of the first new class since the Player’s Handbook: the Artificer. In addition, four new races will be released (will they just be official versions of the Changeling, Kalashtar, Shifter, and Warforged, or completely new?) and 12 dragonmark tattoos. Also, group patrons will be introduced as a feature to give parties “shared background features, helping to define adventurers’ roles in the post-war world.” Of course, with the new industrious setting, there will be a ton of new tools for DMs to pull out.
Vice President of D&D, Nathan Stewart, said in a release:
“Fans have been clamoring for more Eberron ever since we digitally released the Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron last year on the Dungeon Master’s Guild. Eberron: Rising from the Last War is the culmination of hundreds of playtests and player feedback sessions, and we think fans looking for something new will enjoy adventuring through a world with magically powered trains, airships, and mechanical beings.”
I’m so freaking excited for this book!
Finally, The Oracle of War is a new set of stories that will be released for D&D Adventurers League and it will span 20 episodes:
Eberron will be available at your favorite game store on November 19 with preorders already available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and D&D Beyond.