Eerie and Unsettling New Trailer For David Cronenberg's THE SHROUDS

A new trailer for director David Cronenberg’s upcoming film project The Shrouds, has been released and this is going to take audiences on a very unsettling journey. The movie was inspired by the idea of reconnecting with the dead.

The movie stars Vincent Cassel, Diane Kruger, Guy Pearce, and Sandrine Holt, and the story centers on a character named Karsh, “a prominent businessman. Inconsolable since the death of his wife, he invents GraveTech, a revolutionary and controversial technology that enables the living to monitor their dear departed in their shrouds.”

The synopsis reads: “In an eerie, deceptively placid near-future, a techno-entrepreneur named Karsh (Cassel) has developed a new software that will allow the bereaved to bear witness to the gradual decay of loved ones dead and buried in the earth.

“While Karsh is still reeling from the loss of his wife (Kruger) from cancer—and falling into a peculiar sexual relationship with his wife’s sister (also Kruger)—a spate of vandalized graves utilizing his ‘shroud’ technology begins to put his enterprise at risk, leading him to uncover a potentially vast conspiracy.

“Written following the death of the director’s wife, the new film from David Cronenberg is both a profoundly personal reckoning with grief and a descent into noir-tinged dystopia, set in an ominous world of self-driving cars, data theft, and A.I. personal assistants. Offering Cronenberg’s customary balance of malevolence and wit.”

Cronenberg previously talked about the film explaining: "Most burial rituals are about avoiding the reality of death and the reality of what happens to a body. I would say that in our movie this is a reversal of the normal function of a shroud. Here, it is to reveal rather than to conceal.

“I was writing this film while experiencing the grief of the loss of my wife, who died seven years ago. It was an exploration for me because it was not just a technical exercise, it was an emotional exercise.

“In a way, the shrouds that my main character has invented are cinematic devices... They are creating their own cinema, a post-death cinema, a cinema of decay.

“Before writing the script, I was aware that there was a cinematic aspect to the shrouds, creating their own strange grave cinema, cemetery cinema.”

The Shrouds opens in Los Angeles and New York on April 18, with a nationwide expansion to follow on April 25. Watch the trailer below.

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