Elderly Couple Plays MARIO KART 64 Every Day for 18 Years

In the sweetest news ever, we stumbled across the picture from redditor bork1138 of his parents playing Mario Kart 64. He said the couple have been playing this game against one another every day since 2001. Because they love the game? Maybe. But also to settle the every day married life disputes all us married people are all too familiar with. He said when they can’t decide who should make the tea, or do the dishes, they battle it out in a game of Mario Kart.

He said they both know the game so well now that they had to make the rule that neither of them would use any shortcuts or cheats to win. Just an old-fashioned race showdown.

And when the Reddit post went viral and bork1138 was challenged about whether or not this picture and story were legit, he posted another photo of his parents playing the game four years ago. I included that photo below. I think this is incredibly cute and I could totally see me and my husband doing this same thing. Too bad he would lose every time though…

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