Elizabeth Banks Is Set to Play Ms. Frizzle in the Film Adaptation of THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS

Universal Pictures and Elizabeth Banks’ Brownstone Productions are teaming up to develop a feature film live-action hybrid adaptation of Scholastic’s The Magic School Bus

The science-centered book series was written by Joanna Cole with Bruce Degen as the illustrator. The stories center around the intrepid Ms. Frizzle and her class, “who set out on field trips in their familiar-looking yellow school bus that magically transforms into a plane, submarine, spaceship, or surfboard, depending on the science concept being explored.”

Banks is not only producing the film, be she will take on the role of Ms. Frizzle. This seems like a role that Banks will easily slip right into. It’s not hard at all to imagine her as Ms. Frizzle.

Scholastic President and Chief Strategy Officer Iole Lucchese, said in a statement:

“We are delighted to bring to life the iconic Ms. Frizzle and her zest for knowledge and adventure in a fresh new way that inspires the next generation of kids to explore science and supports the dedicated teachers who help make science real and accessible for young learners every day. We’re also extremely excited to be working with such top-tier partners as Elizabeth Banks, Marc Platt Productions, Brownstone Productions, Universal Pictures, and all of the amazing talent assembled for this noteworthy feature film.”

The Magic School Bus is a huge and popular property. It was first adapted into a PBS animated series in the early 90s with Lily Tomlin voicing Ms. Frizzle. Then in 2017, there was a sequel series developed titled The Magic School Bus Rides Again, with Kate McKinnon (SNL) as Ms. Frizzle’s sister, Fiona.

This movie news should be exciting for anyone that grew up on The Magic School Bus. It’ll be interesting to see how it turns out!

Source: Deadline

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