Elizabeth Olsen Talks AVENGERS 4 and Says "It's Only Going To Get Worse"

As you all know, the end of Avengers: Infinity War ended up being pretty tragic and sad as several unexpected characters ended up dying thanks to Thanos. One of those characters was Elizabeth Olsen's Scarlet Witch. Yeah, we all know they will all eventually comes back, but at what cost?

In the end characters will really die. There will be characters that we never see on the big screen again in a Marvel film. That what these events are all leading up to. During an appearance at ACE Comic-Con in Chicago this weekend, Olsen teased the bleak future for the the characters in Avengers 4 saying:

"It’s only going to get worse.”

Some information recently surfaced thanks to some Avengers 4 merchandise that teased an even great threat than Thanos. We don’t know who that threat could be, but the Avengers are going to be facing off with something that is going to rock their world even worse than Thanos, which seems pretty damn crazy.

At one point a fan suggested to Olsen that the vision of the dark future that she was put in Tony Stark's head in Age of Ultron could be what she was referring to, the actress said:

"I don’t know. I don’t know if that’s what could have happened if Ultron took over.  I’m not sure. I think it’s up to interpretation."

She added:

“It wasn’t something that I remember someone was saying that we’re going to go full circle to Infinity War — there wasn’t an Infinity War at that time [laughs]. But I think I always thought of it being what would happen if Ultron won. But I think it’s more interesting the way you’re thinking about it."

Tom Hiddleston, who was also present for the panel, countered that argument by saying: 

"Well, maybe Tony has got the long view." 

We’ll just have to wait and see how the story plays out. But one thing is for sure, Avengers 4 is going to end with real loss that some characters won’t be able to come back from.

Via: CB

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