Enjoy 14 Time-Based DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Subclasses with TIME AND AGAIN
Back in the Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount, Chronurgy Magic was introduced as a subclass of wizard that focuses on manipulating time. What if you want more time-based subclasses? Erin Tierney, Ned Turner, Jas Merripen, Nick Stefanski, Rilee Horowitz, Seamus Ly, and Fahim Sheikh teamed up to release the unofficial supplement, Time and Again.
This offers 14 subclasses all about time like the Path of the Anamoly for barbarians, History of Domain for clerics, and more. One aspect I like is in the introduction and talks about flavoring spells to be more time-based such as healing spells being a very localized reversal of time or informative spells like identify being a glimpse into the past.
Welcome to Time and Again! This is a book of 14 subclasses all based around the concept of time. It started as a discussion about an interesting design idea and grew into what you see here. We hope there’s something for everyone here—we have subclasses about the past, the present, and the future; about preserving time and destroying it; about splitting seconds and splitting timelines. Enjoy!
You can purchase Time and Again from DMs Guild (affiliate link) for $4.99.