Enjoy 38 DISCWORLD Books for Less Than $20!

It’s time to visit the fantasy universe borne on the backs of elephants and a giant turtle for cheap. Sir Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series is well-beloved by many and with the Terry Pratchett’s Discworld bundle (affiliate link) you can grab 38 books in the series for only $18! The bundle is valued at $401 so that’s about a 96% discount for you to enjoy.

Everything starts with The Color of Magic and continues in The Light Fantastic and more. It should be noted that these digital books are available through Kobo (affiliate link) so you will need an account to access them. In addition to getting a beloved fantasy series for cheap, each purchase of the Humble Bundle supports Room to Read which “seeks to transform the lives of millions of children in low-income communities by focusing on literacy and gender equality in education.”

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