Enjoy a Wurm-Ridden Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic Tabletop RPG with VAST GRIMM

MÖRK BORG is a post-apocalyptic fantasy tabletop RPG, but Infinite Black has released a sci-fi version under the Third Party License called Vast Grimm. Everything you need to battle monstrous abominations, create characters, and run the game is included in the 122-page PDF. There’s even an introductory adventure included so you can hit the ground running. This sounds like a great game to try out if you want something new.

How The Six set out on a pilgrimage to the Primordial Mausoleum of THEY, in the year zer0. These truly devout disciples unleashed a plague of parasitic würms when they unsealed the ancient tomb. It has been 663 years since that day, those who the würms infected have become known as The Grimm.

You can purchase Vast Grimm through DriveThru RPG (affiliate link) for $15.

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