Episode 2 of POKEMON TWILIGHT WINGS is Fantastic

A new episode of Pokémon Twilight Wings has dropped and it was an interesting one. This episode featured the Fighting-type Gym Leader Bea as she deals with her loss to Leon. She goes off into the desert and trains with a Machop, Machoke, and Machamp in the Wild Area. This is pretty cool, but she actually fights them to train and I just have to wonder if they’re holding back at all or if Bea is some superhuman. After all, a Pokédex entry for Machamp reads:

One arm alone can move mountains. Using all four arms, this Pokémon fires off awesome punches.

Is Bea stronger than a mountain? Well, regardless, they keep training the Wild Area and end up in a cave. She gets hurt while training and her Pokémon are really worrying about her. Then they get caved in and there’s a bit of panic. Eventually she realizes that she needs to take a breath and step back for a moment and they’re able to get out.

This episode was really interesting as it not only gave us a look into the personality of this fan favorite character, but it had a message that I think many of us can relate to. We can’t let one mistake or failure blind us. Yes, we can improve. However, we shouldn’t give everything up including our health in an effort to improve. We shouldn’t push our friends away either in those times. Friends are great and will often help us most in those moments. It’s a fantastic short video and if you haven’t checked it out yet, I’ve included it below for you.

After losing to Galar's Champion, Leon, Fighting-type Gym Leader Bea sets out with her Pokémon to elevate their training. Will she find her inner resolve and...

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