Ethan Van Sciver Rejoins The Green Lantern Corp with EDGE OF OBLIVION
It has been awhile since we've seen Ethan Van Sciver's pencils on a Green Lantern book, but with Edge of Oblivion he makes his welcome return. Alongside scribe Tom Taylor (Injustice: Gods Among Us), the six issue miniseries will follow the remnants of the Green Lantern Corp right after the events of Lost Army. No one, and I mean no one, draws a more kick ass version of Guy Gardner than Van Sciver, and I'm so happy to see him on the book. The way he visually interprets the different lantern constructs is just so inventive, and it really allows their powers to leap off the page. You can see some of the covers for the series as well as one of the interior pages down below.
This leads us to a natural question. Who is your favorite Green Lantern artist? Let us know in the comments below.