Even John Landis Doesn't Want His Son to Remake AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON

When I first heard that Max Landis (ChronicleVictor Frankenstein) was going to write and direct a remake of his dad's (John Landis) film An American Werewolf in London, I couldn't help but laugh. First off it's crazy that anyone would want to remake that classic horror film and secondly, he's just opening himself to a whole world of movie fan hate. I don't know, maybe he likes the hate!? 

I just don't think there's any way in hell the remake will improve on his dad's work, and in my opinion, there's no point of a remake unless a film can be improved on. That's hardly ever the case.

In case you're wondering how Landis' dad feels about the remake, he's not too thrilled. He apparently even told his son not to do it! During a recent interview with Collider, John Landis said:

“I advised him not to do it. I think he’s putting himself in a bad position. My son is brilliant, he really is, and he wants to do it. So what am I going to say? No? I know it won’t be as bad as ‘An American Werewolf In Paris,’ which was shit. So, I don’t know.”

I couldn't agree with John more. But, like any rebellious son who thinks he knows more than his dad, Max Landis is going to follow through with it. A part of me thinks he's doing it just to piss people off! 

As far as Max Landis' talents go, I like what he did with Chronicle, but I'm not a big fan of anything else that he's really done. But, who knows, maybe he'll surprise his dad and the rest of the naysayers with a decent remake. I'm not counting on it, though.

Not sure why he doesn't try to use his talents and connections to do something original. 

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