Evolution of the Lightsaber - STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Featurette — GeekTyrant

Evolution of the Lightsaber - STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Featurette

"An elegant weapon for a more civilized age..."

I’ve got an awesome new featurette for you to watch for Star Wars: The Force Awakens that centers on a Jedi and Sith’s weapon of choice. The featurette is called “Evolution of the Lightsaber,” and it goes through the history of how the Lightsaber came to play a major role in the Star Wars universe. 

It goes into how Kendo was used as the basis for the type of sword fighting used in Star Wars. The video shows how those duels have evolved over the course of the movies. There’s also footage from the film and behind-the-scenes footage of the actors rehearsing their fight sequences.

ESPN is going to air a special hosted by Mark Hamill that will dive into the origins of the weapon, the different styles, and the technique used when fighting with them. 

The Star Wars: Evolution of the Lightsaber special airs on ESPN December 15th. 

http://www.joblo.com - STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Featurette - Evolution of the Lightsaber (2015) ESPN

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