Executives From Disney and Sony Speak Out About the Spider-Man Fallout and Its Aftermath
We all rode the wave of emotions that was the Sony/Disney Spider-Man breakup and makeup last month, involving the beloved Peter Parker being removed from Marvel’s care, then returned for at least the next movie, which will conclude the trilogy they began. This pleased fans, co-stars, and of course, Spider-Man himself, Tom Holland, who was credited for helping to resolve the issues by speaking to the executives about his hopes for a resolution. And it worked!
In a recent meeting between the biggest executives in the movie business over at The Hollywood Reporter, Disney's Alan Horn and Sony Pictures President Tom Rothman chatted about the ordeal. They were asked what the biggest factor was in resolving the standoff. Horn responded by saying:
The fan base, which is important to all of us, seemed to really respond to what Tom and his folks have done before with our people. They like the fact that the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Kevin Feige were involved [in the two Spider-Man films]. We heard feedback out there that suggested that joining forces once again was probably really a good idea.
Yeah, no kidding dude. They were then asked if their partnership would continue past this next film, citing that Sony has seen solo Spider-Man success with the awesome animated flick, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, to which Rothman responded:
Yes, we have. But I agree with my distinguished colleague. This was a classic win-win-win. A win for Sony, a win for Disney, a win for the fans. The only thing I would say is that news cycles and the rhythm of negotiations do not necessarily overlap. And this is, in the words of Shakespeare, a consummation devoutly to be wished. We would have gotten there, and the news got ahead of some things.
Horn agreed. That didn’t really answer the question, but I’m sure they can’t really say. There have been recent rumors about Disney possibly buying the rights to Spider-Man back for good (and paying somewhere in the $4-5 billion range), but lots could happen between now and then. I’m just glad the trilogy is safe for now. Spider-Man just wouldn’t be complete without the backstory of everything he’s been through up to this point.
Would you like to see Marvel/Disney continue the Spider-Man movies? Or do you think Sony has something to offer?