Explanation of Why Evan Peters Was Used as Quicksilver in WANDAVISION and Wolverine Easter Egg Confirmed

When Evan Peters showed up as Pietro a.k.a. Quicksilver in WandaVision a lot of fans hoped that this was the first step in introducing Fox’s X-Men universe to the MCU. Well, that might not be the case! We still don’t really know what the hell is going on with this version of Quicksilver, but we do know that whoever he is or wherever he came from, he’s being controlled by the witch Agatha Harkness.

So, what is the reasoning behind casting Peters in the role instead of Aaron Taylor-Johnson? Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige explains that the decision to bring in Peters instead of Taylor-Johnson happened early in the development process of the series and they wanted this different version of the character to show how "certain people" are messing with Wanda.

During Disney+'s recent TCA presentation, Feige said:

"That's one of the fun things about developing these things or blue-skying it in the rooms. My favorite part of the process is always the very, very beginning when we're figuring out what something could be and at the very, very end when we're refining it and putting it out into the world. So there were all sorts of discussions, but I believe we ended up going with what you saw relatively early on in the development process. It's just another way that certain people were messing around with Wanda."

It’s safe to say that there are more twists and turns coming in the series and we will have answers to a lot of our questions. I’m still eagerly waiting to see what Peters’ real role in this series is.

It was also confirmed that there was a Wolverine Easter egg that was included as part of Quicksilver’s Halloween costume. That Easter egg was Pietro’s hair. During WandaVision episode 6, "All-New Halloween Spooktacular!", Pietro was wearing Quicksilver’s classic Marvel Comics costume and his hair was shooting up on the sides of his head.

WandaVision make-up artist Tricia Sawyer and hairstylist Karen Bartek confirmed that they did that on purpose, that was 100% supposed to be a Wolverine hairdo. According to Bartek these X-Men references were purposefully done to make it seem the two franchise universes were colliding. She told IndieWire:

“It was something that Matt really [wanted]. They kind of planned that.”

While I enjoy the X-Men teases, It’s not cool to play with the emotions of fans like that. Making us think that the two Marvel franchises were colliding and then purposely have nothing come from it? Not cool.

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