Explanation of Why the New Star Trek Series Is Named STAR TREK: DISCOVERY

During the Star Trek: Mission New York convention this weekend, Bryan Fuller and Alex Kurtzman were featured in a video during the Star Trek: Discovery panel to talk about the new series. One of the things that Fuller focused on is why they called it Star Trek: Discovery

“This ship is called the Discovery for a few reasons. Not the least of which is Stanley Kubrick’s contribution to the Discovery on 2001: A Space Odyssey, NASA’s vessel the Discovery, and also the sense of discovery.” 

He went on to say that the word ‘discovery’ also continues the tradition of what Gene Roddenberry started with, showing fans a future where we “come together as a planet and seek new worlds and new alien races to explore and understand and collaborate with.” 

Fuller then teased what the series will entail and how it will help reinvent some of the things we already know about Star Trek:

“[Discovery is] an opportunity to reinvent, re-explore and re-introduce alien races you may be familiar with, but also introduce brand new aliens, planets and ships you haven’t seen before. We’ll be looking at life aboard a starship from a whole different dynamic.”

I like that they will be approaching these things from a completely different perspective. As you know, all of the previously produced Star Trek shows revolved around the captain of the ships, but Discovery will center around a crew member character and the story will be told from her point of view. Fuller expanded on that:

“There have been six series all from the captains’ perspective, and it felt like for this new iteration of Star Trek, we need to look at life on a Starfleet vessel from a new perspective.” 

This new character will add a whole new dynamic to the franchise, and Fuller said it will let them tell “richer, more complicated” stories about what life is like on the Starfleet ship.

Nicholas Meyer, the writer and director of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, who is a writer on the new series, was on the panel. Joining him was Kristen Beyer, the author overseeing a popular line of novels based on the series Star Trek: Voyager. She is also working on the series. Myer offered a piece of advice to fans saying:

“Lower your expectations… It is a symbiotic relationship and all I’m suggesting is that if you go with open minds and open hearts, you may be rewarded. Whereas if you go with a set of impossible to realize expectations, which even you cannot specifically define, then we’re bound to fail. And so I’m saying: Get loose.”

We are going to get something very different from this series, but if fans keep an open mind then it sounds like they’ll enjoy it. I can’t wait to see how this turns out. I hope it’s good!

Via: Yahoo

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