Fan Creates Levitating Millenium Falcon That Will Make You Incredibly Jealous
Warning, this is gonna make you jealous. A Japanese Star Wars fan has created a levitating model of the Millennium Falcon that looks absolutely incredible. Take a look at the video and continue reading below...
ミレニアムファルコン完成です。CREALEV社製の70mm浮く磁気浮上装置使って浮遊させ、エンジンは無線給電で発光します。装置の日本代理店である㈱ワイアードゲートさまとのコラボレーションで製作しました。二子玉川蔦屋家電で展示中です。#ローグワン #スターウォーズ #蔦屋家電
— ハナキマサトシ@もうすぐ30th (@HanakiMasatoshi) December 14, 2016
I tried translating the text from the tweet but only got a very rough translation as to what went into creating this bad boy. See if you can't figure it out from what Twitter gave me...
It is a completion of the Millennium Falcon. CREALEV, float 70 mm magnetic levitation system with floating, with wireless powered fire engine. Wired gate in Japan distributor of equipment co., Ltd. has produced in collaboration with the customer. It is at futako-jade 川蔦 shop home appliances
I don't know if "fire" is a brand, but I guarantee it's not the fire engine most of us are familiar with. I desperately wish this was commercially viable! I would love to have one in my office! Thanks to NerdApproved for showing this to us.