Fan Favorite Marvel Character Was Cut from Post-Credit Scene in CIVIL WAR — GeekTyrant

Fan Favorite Marvel Character Was Cut from Post-Credit Scene in CIVIL WAR

I am going to start this off with a spoiler warning. If you want to go into Civil War with no knowledge of who is and who isn’t in the movie, then turn away from your computer now and run away. There is nothing for you to see here. 

As fans of the MCU we all have an expectation that we will see all of our favorite heroes in a movie, and we are all a little disappointed when it doesn’t happen. I know I had that very expectation when I saw the first trailer for Captain America: Civil War. Unfortunately, I am here to dash those hopes, at least for now. 

Huffington Post was able to get an interview with Civil War writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely and discuss a few characters that won’t be appearing in the film, namely Hulk and Wasp. There were rumors floating around that Mark Ruffalo was seen near the production and cast members were fueling the rumor fire. Well the writers are here to set the record straight, Markus said:

"We can clean that up real quickly. Mark Ruffalo shot no scenes. We talked about having Bruce Banner at the very end of the film, and it just, again, seemed like we’re sticking people in just to stick them in. He has clearly gone somewhere at the end of ‘Ultron,’ and that’s a story. Don’t blow it off and put it in a little tiny chunk just to put in a little extra filigree on our movie. That’s a story.”

McFeely added:

“There was a draft with a stinger of him in it. But that was long ago, and reports of him actually filming stuff — the unit publicist on the movies [John M. Pisani] looks a lot like Ruffalo, so when people say, ‘Hey, he’s in Berlin dancing with Anthony Mackie,’ it’s John Pisani. It’s not Ruffalo.
“We certainly had a draft where both Ant-Man and Wasp were recruited, but when they come in, that’s a lot of story there, and you can’t just let Paul Rudd do what we need him to do in that section, which is look at it from wide open innocent eyes and appreciate the Avengers from the outside, which gets you comic relief beat after beat after beat. Spider-Man’s similar, right? Because these people have an investment, and these two new people don’t. It’s not that Wasp wouldn’t also have that opinion maybe, but we have not seen her be a hero at all, so that’s an example of where we think we’d be drinking someone’s milkshake.
“Let’s let the ‘Ant-Man’ franchise show her come to her full fruition as opposed to just doing it offscreen."

There you have it folks. I can’t say that I am mad about the way they went about it. It would have muddied the waters for other movies, and I am glad that they were thinking of the integrity of the whole MCU when they made their decision. It makes their upcoming movies that much more exciting.

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