Fan is Raising Money to Create Zack Snyder JUSTICE LEAGUE Documentary

A lot of fans were saddened when Zack Snyder left Justice League for personal reasons. Joss Whedon was brought on to helm the film, and I’m not sure if it was a smart choice. I love Whedon’s work, but he has a very different style to Snyder and it showed in the trailers for Justice League. This led many fans to start a petition for Warner Bros. to release a Zack Snyder Director’s Cut of the film. One fan has decided to go a step beyond. Roberto Mata, the same guy who started the original petition, has created a crowdfunding project to create a documentary about the Snyder cut of Justice League.

Mata writes a very passionate piece about why he wants the Director’s Cut as well as why he wants to create the documentary. Here’s a sample:

Hi, I made the petition requesting Warner Bros. Pictures, to release the Director’s Cut of Justice League with Junkie XL’s Score on Home Media, I wrote the petition before the film was released in theaters, because I felt that something wasn’t right about the entire situation regarding Joss Whedon’s involvement, the replacement of Junkie Xl with Danny Elfman, and Warner Bros. decision to mandate a 2 hour runtime, for a film that dealt with the completion of a story arc, that began in Man of Steel and Batman v Superman, at the time of the release of Justice League, my excitement and expectations to watch the film was close to none, as the driving artistic visionary had left the film, due to heartbreaking and understandable reasons, and once I heard the track list for the Score, whatever was left of hope to watch the end of Superman’s journey was gone, then the day of the release arrived, I decided to give the film a shot[.]

He is looking to raise $4000 and at the time of this writing, has raised $160. The money will go towards cameras, microphones, travel costs, and more. Do you support this documentary being made?

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